Professional Forensic Accounting Insurance Services Designed to Give You Peace of Mind

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Let’s face it - nobody wants to have to deal with audits, theft, fraud, or legal disputes. Lucky for you, Money Mastery LLC is here to help with these situations and more. Our forensics accounting team deals with a variety of accounting issues, and we offer forensic accounting insurance services that are designed to give you peace of mind.


First thing’s first, though; what exactly is forensic accounting?

What is Forensic Accounting?

When it comes to forensics, many people think of Abby Sciuto from the popular TV series NCIS. And, while we love that show, what we do is far different from what Abby does at the NCIS headquarters. Instead of dealing with scientific tests, our forensic accounting team uses methods involving accounting, auditing, and investigative skills in order to examine the financial situation of an individual or a business.

Forensic Accounting Insurance Services from Money Mastery LLC

Money Mastery LLC is proud to be a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Because of this, we offer a variety of investigative and regulatory compliance services such as our insurance services for forensic accounting. 

This type of accounting is often used within the insurance industry. When it comes to the accounting side of things, our team of forensic accountants will do extensive research into situations in order to compile financial evidence as well as quantify economic damages. These damages can be from an array of circumstances including medical malpractice, an insurance claim, a vehicular accident…the list goes on and on. 

Once our investigative research and analysis is complete, our team reports our findings via presentations, court testimonies, and other forms of reports. In addition, we also help with insurance audits and insurance fraud claims.

Have questions about how our team can help you with an audit, fraud claim, or other insurance accounting needs? Contact us here today.

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